Those of you who are wanting to track the flash sales and airfare deals from Austin and San Antonio should check out Escape ATX it’s our sister site that only tracks those deals leaving from AUS / SAT.
There are several reasons why a new site was created for Austin and San Antonio rather than covering those deals here on Escape Houston like we used to. First, it makes more sense to pair both Austin and San Antonio into a single site than it does to pair Austin and Houston. The reason is that driving from AUS to SAT is very feasible for most people. Those airports are only an hour away from each other so doing the drive to catch a good flight is almost as easy as doing the 40 minute drive between IAH and HOU. Compared to Houston or Dallas, Austin and San Antonio only have a few competitive routes, which means less deal volume. Putting AUS and SAT deals on one site helps balance that lack of deal volume and will keep the content fresh and engaging.
If you live near either of those cities, or just want to track the deals from them, please follow Escape ATX on Facebook and subscribe to the e-mail newsletter on that site. If you have friends in Austin or San Antonio, please let them know about our new site. Thanks!
Relevant links:
- Escape ATX on Twitter
- Escape ATX on Google+
- Escape ATX on Facebook
- Subscribe to the Escape ATX newsletter for Austin and San Antonio airfare deals!
Austin / San Antonio Airfare Deals:
- Cheap Flights: Austin to Hong Kong $712 r/t – United / Dragonair
- Cheap Flights: Austin to San Juan, Puerto Rico $280-$292 r/t – All Major Airlines
Our other sister publication:
- Cheap DFW – Airfare deals and flash sale coverage from Dallas / Fort Worth.